Monday, March 12, 2012

How the Moving Beyond Alcoholism Project Began

Free therapeutic imagery process available to the public at the links below.

No Mas Alcoholismo: Tu Nuevo Vida (FREE, Spanish)

Move Beyond Alcoholism and Claim Your New Life (FREE, English)

Contact Iris Barratt if you are interested in translating her important process into another language or to see many more therapeutic imagery  processes in English at:  Email:

For products to support the project by Iris K Barratt 

Blogspot link to share:

Lets continue to share with English speaking and Spanish speaking countries!

How the Moving Beyond Alcoholism Project Began

I had no clue about the extraordinary wave of common good that would result by answering the calling that flowered within my heart in Ecuador. After we bought our home there seven years ago, we began painting and repairs, balanced with relaxing on the porch and soaking in the silence and the stunning views of the Andes Mountains before us. When the primary work on our new home was completed, we fully embraced our goal of “practicing being human beings rather than being human doings.” Most people of other cultures fully understand this goal, as most of us honestly feel like we are racing, doing and stressed out machines.

As I sat in meditation, taking in the lush green vistas and the comforting smells of the earth, pine and eucalyptus trees, I began to ask an important yet simple question; “How might I be of service in the best way possible to Ecuador and it’s lovely people who were charming my heart?” The laughter, simple games and play of the children were the first to captivate this Grandmothers heart, equal only to their deep, dark, beautiful eyes.

After asking this simple question and nurturing it with my ever-present love for humanity and the people of Ecuador, the confirmations about the answer began to come from everywhere. The next Saturday at the farmers market in Azogues we found a drunken man passed out face down on the grass.

We saw our usual share of beggars that you want to give food, rather than money, as your intuition is just certain that money would be spent on booze. Sometimes the smell of the night before was the greatest indicator.
Simultaneously, I saw an article that day about how alcoholism was the primary contributor to domestic violence against women and children. I also discovered that alcohol is really cheap in Ecuador because it is not heavily taxed as in other countries. This results in not having money for adequate rehabilitation facilities. The next thing that caught my attention, was the public news station saying that as it was near Christmas, many children were out begging in full force which was obvious everywhere we went. The news media was encouraging us all (especially kind hearted Gringos) to NOT give these children any money because the pattern is for parents (usually fathers) to make their children beg for money that they would promptly take away to buy alcohol. It was presented as the usual Christmas begging scam-involving children has once again begun.

As the many blatant confirmations struck my awareness, I could clearly see the problem of alcoholism as it affects every age group here and the culture so deeply in very ugly ways. As I sat on my porch away from the city, relaxing and taking in the view, the answer to my question seemed obvious. I realized that perhaps I could research and write a therapeutic imagery process to assist these people in moving beyond alcoholism and claiming a new life of health and happiness. As the insights came into my mind and heart, I felt a strong rush of energy race up my spine and twirl around the top of my head. I know this to be a body signal of confirmation that I am on the right track. It was so strong and intense; it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

When I returned to the US I began my research about alcoholism. My goal was to address the problem while providing a vision of just how lovely life can be clean and sober. I wanted to blend in the obvious support for healthy changes like family, groups and of course, inner common sense, which are usually readily available. I wanted to integrate the power of love, God, higher power and anything else I could think of that might serve as a foundation to stimulate change. I felt competent and excited about this work as I have written, recorded or shared over a hundred custom processes with clients, since I became a clinical hypnotherapist over fifteen years ago.

I had connected with a group of Ecuadorians and Americans who were part of a group called Partners of the Americas. They are dedicated to social and cultural exchange and education. One lovely American from this group, Maureen Fernand offered to take my therapeutic imagery process, written in English to Ecuador with her and speak with associates at the Universidad de Azuay in Cuenca. So I blessed my packet of written material and sent it on its way with Maureen’s astute energy championing the cause.

I was so pleased to hear from Maureen that Inez, one of the Professors at the University had translated the process for alcoholism into Spanish. I was overjoyed that she found it worthy of her translation efforts. Next I hear that Inez has found a woman who has access to a sound studio (as she works for a television station) who is willing to record and create an Alcoholism CD in Spanish for the people of Ecuador. I was so happy that tears ran down both cheeks as I danced around my house in Colorado.

I then recorded my therapeutic imagery work in English and put soft music behind it.
When the recording was edited and complete, I closed my eyes, relaxed and listened to the final result. I felt pleased and happy with it.  Thoughts about the challenges in America and other English speaking countries with alcoholism frequented my mind and heart. If just a few people could be awakened to my vision of health and happiness and make significant change or even be inspired to seek further therapy or support with this powerful addiction, I would feel my efforts were seriously vindicated.

As the time approached last year (January, 2011) for us to return to Ecuador, I was excited to finally receive a copy of the imagery process in Spanish for the first time. After we had settled in for a few weeks, we were invited to come to Cuenca and visit Inez and receive the Spanish version. Unfortunately, we next had someone break into our home and steal our computer; TV and CD player, so after I received the CD in Spanish, I had no way to actually listen to it.
So I just had faith in the process as I had many copies made and handed them out to tiendas (shops) who pirate movies and CDs to pirate it and give it away or sell for the usual $1. charge to the public. I also gave copies to many friends; people involved with Alcoholics Anonymous and public health organizations. Oh, how the trust that is often required when on a mission for the common good, blooms within my everyday life. Yes again. I felt like I was passing out Christmas presents and was immensely happy while feeling totally humbled by not having listened to the contents. I sensed Ecuador was happy to receive this gift, especially as it was free.

When we returned home to Colorado and settled in, I was excited to listen to the Spanish version of the process I had spent so many hours creating in English. The voice of the young women who performed the imagery process was like liquid gold, slow, soulful and clear. She had even put relaxing music behind her voice to further the relaxing effect.
As I listened, I felt tears of gratitude streaming down my cheeks. I felt profoundly fulfilled and immensely grateful to all the women who cared enough to assist my vision and bring it into practical reality in Spanish. I downloaded it onto a site, created a link and began offering it for free along with the version in English.

This year when we returned to Ecuador in 2012, I felt so humble, happy and grateful to share the process in English and Spanish in CD form and written material with the link to the free download. I felt like a secret agent or divine emissary for the common good. I wonder just how many sets I copied, labeled and put colorful CD jackets in the cases for and gave away? Here is a photo from my kitchen table in Ecuador, with one such batch in the making.

I often say “Nothing feels better than doing what I feel guided to do.” Perhaps the only thing to top it, is the sense of fulfillment in seeing it completed, or so I thought, until I began to see it spread like wildfire and hear about so many good results. I hear Dean Martin singing, “Everybody knows somebody sometime”, and I am discovering just how true this is when it comes to the problems associated with alcohol abuse.

It strikes me just how important having a vision of possibility and promise actually is. I understand how life events, distractions, stress and copious other factors make vision often seem impossible for most of us. Even those of us well equipped for the task often falter, especially if there is no evident practical or monetary rewards in site or in hand.
My visionary side enjoys creating therapeutic imagery so much. It feels like writing and speaking prayers or songs with uplifting possibilities with a sense of promise from the depths of my being. I also enjoy the professional challenge of integrating the techniques I have studied for so many years into the visionary blend. My definition of a visionary is: “One who is inspired and haunted by humanitarian ideals!”

Next, I will share the mission statement I wrote and my thoughts about furthering this work as a project. Perhaps you will choose to contribute in one of the way suggested or offer your own insights and suggestions as all are welcomed and appreciated.
Thank you for your continued love and support of my vision, my work and me personally.
Thank you all for sharing through :
Personal emails, social media, Kiwanis, Woman's groups, Universities etc.
Be the change you want to see in the world~

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